Thursday, November 22, 2012

I'm Still Kickin'....Flutter Kickin'

So I've been on the swim team for a few weeks now and I haven't drowned yet.  I guess that's a plus!  We have our first meet (actually it's a scrimmage) next weekend, which is kind of exciting, kind of scary, and I've really been enjoying myself so far.  Here's a run down of what's been going down...

My coaches like me!  They say I have a lot of potential.  One of the coaches was the coach of the community swim team I was on when I was a kid.  I didn't think he remembered me, but he does.  He was making fun of me the other day, saying I never should have quit swimming to dance (we're talking like fourth grade's been a while since I've swam) because dancing is terrible and it broke me.  Which is true I guess, but I still don't care.  Anyway I've had a lot of great compliments so far.  The whole team tells me I swim like a dancer, which means that my strokes are pretty.  I don't know if that will help me in a race but it's nice to hear none-the-less.  One of the team managers asked me yesterday if there was any stroke I couldn't I guess that means I look good doing all four?  Also, both of my coaches said that I have a great wave ahead of me when I'm swimming butterfly...I'm not really sure what that means but they say it's a good thing.  I hate butterfly.

I can't do flip turns at all.  I'm not even supposed to be doing them because of my feet, but I tried for the first time the other day and I failed miserably.  I'll keep at it though, because I want to be able to do them at the meet. Also, every time I dive in my goggles fill up with water.  I need to figure out a way to fix that.

Speaking of the meet!  I picked my events the other day!  Actually, I made the coach do it because I still have no idea which stroke and what distance I'm good at.  My coach told my I'm good at every stroke.  So I asked her which one I'm best at and she said freestyle, back and breast.  Thanks for narrowing that one down, ahah.  I didn't know which distance either.  Finally she told me I should do the 100 back and 100 breast.  So that's what I'm doing.  We'll see how it goes....yikes!

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