Sunday, December 22, 2013

College Lyfe

Been a while, huh.

I've been going to college and what not.

I love it.  I couldn't get out of high school fast enough, but I'd stay in college forever!

I don't have any dance related posts, but I will insert a picture of a pose I was attempting (rather successfully if I do say so myself) this evening.  My feet still hurt and I didn't have an opportunity to get involved in anything dance-y my first semester of college, but I have some plans in action for next semester.

So like I kind of said already.  College is da bomb.  I don't have a roommate, she never came, don't know why (she's missing out!) so that's kind of awesome.  I've made some awesome friends and there is constantly stuff to do in the city.  Even if we're not using the city to our advantage, there are seriously endless amounts of trouble fun we can get into without ever even leaving our dorm!!

One semester in and I'm already declaring college the best time of my life.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


So if you've read anything of what I've been putting on here for the last year, you know that I've had a horrible time of healing from a rather unfortunate injury.  I'm still not healed and I'm still not back to normal, but I'm sure as hell trying.

I went for a run today.  I do run often but I try to mix it up between swimming and biking just because I don't want to aggravate my injury again.  So although I try to work out every day I haven't been super crazy with the running.

After my doctor cleared me to start working out again in May, I had a really hard time motivating myself.  I was out of shape and often my feet bothered me and it was so much easier to just put it off until later, and then later put it off until the next day.  But honestly, that made me feel like a complete loser.

Today during my run I was reflecting, mostly because my iPod was dead so Katy Perry wasn't there to motivate me.  And about 2 miles into my run (I did a total of 3.3 - outside through town, not on a treadmill) I was like "Holy crap, I feel like a superhero".  And I did.  I wasn't tired, I wasn't out of breath, I felt so awesome!  I finished my run 4 minutes faster than I had done the same route just three days before and I felt so so so good. 

It makes me really proud of myself to realize that even though I didn't want to work out today, even though my head told me not to do it because my iPod was dead, or not to do it because it was getting dark, or not to do it because I was too tired and wouldn't be able to go very far, I did it.  I did it and I felt great.  Two months ago I would have let my head talk me out of going and I would have continued watching Netflix in my room.  One month ago I would have let my head convince me to stop and walk at some point, maybe even to turn around.  But today I proved to myself that I can do it, and that feels really great.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Pomp and Circumstance

Something big is happening in my life.  Something which, if done right, only happens one time.


I'm so very excited.  I graduate on Saturday, June 8th at 11:00 a.m.  I can't even take it.  This next 24 hours is going to be the absolute longest 24 hours of my life.

My last day of school was Wednesday the 6th.  I had graduation practice today and I will again tomorrow.  And then I get to graduate!  Eeek!

That's all I have to say.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner

It was a dream.  A complete and utter fantasy coming to life right in front of me.  Let me set the mood:

I was barefoot, wearing skinny jeans, a purple tank top and dangley purple and silver earrings.  I was in the smelly, run-down community center in my town for a sweet 16 party.  A slow song was on and most of the other guests were looking at each other like they'd never heard music before.  My two friends were joking around, doing the awkward middle school style slow dance while I did ballet around them towards the edge of the room.


Someone grabbed my arm and spun me out into the center of the dance floor.  It was the (ultra attractive) DJ.  Before I knew it I was spinning in all directions and being lifted in the air.  It was fabulous.  Then the song ended and I returned to my friends and he returned to his spot behind the speakers.

It was incredible.  It was my dream come true Dirty Dancing moment where I was Baby and he was Johnny Castle and nobody put baby in a corner.  Sigh.  It was perfect.

I did give him my number and we talked for a little bit but I wasn't really feeling it.  He was 22 and looking for something real, I'm 18 and looking for someone to dance with at my discretion until the end of July.  He called me twice a day and left messages asking me out to do things like go for a hike Friday afternoon before 4 pm and I'd have to remind him that I'm in school Friday before 4 pm so that's not exactly feasible.  And he couldn't, at all.

I'll always have the dance, though.

Monday, April 1, 2013

I'm Having Trouble

I actually have a handful of dance things that I'm planning on writing about soon, but this needs to be said first.  Here's my problem; this blog is about dance.  I had to take a little hiatus on the dance posts to let my feet heal, but I though I'd be back and better than ever in no time.   But guess what's up...Doc says my feet are never going to heal.

Rewind.  The bone stimulators only partially did their job.  They were for short term pain management and long term healing.  They did the healing part by forming some kind of protective layer around the bone as a whole, however the fractures on the inside never got their act together enough to heal.  So what I'm working with now is bones that are cracked in half, yet have a covering on them, and the covering will prevent the inside broken-ness from healing.  Damnit.

So, Doc says I'm never allowed to dance again.  I'm allowed to run and play and frolic in the meadows all I want, but no dancing.  I've been really upset about it and I've actually decided to go against her advise and dance anyway.  My problem right now is that where I train is kind of expensive, so I need my ma and daddy on my side to help with the financials.  I'm working on it.

I'll keep ya updated on how it goes, but at this point "Defined by the Dance" isn't super accurate.  I feel like I'm kind of defined by the gimp.  It sucks.  I never thought it would go this way.  At all.  I was positive I was going to heal and head back to ballet as good as new after a month is casts.  It's been eight months since I found out my feet were broken.  EIGHT.  MONTHS. 

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Getting to Know Me

A long time ago, Emma from One Less Lonely Dancer tagged me in a challenge she had done, and I, ever the slacker, forgot about it for a while.  But don't worry, I'm back and ready to come through with my answers.

Here are the rules:
1. List 11 facts about yourself
2. Answer 11 questions left from the blogger that nominated you
3. Ask 11 questions for those you nominate
4. Nominate 11 bloggers that have 200 followers or less
5. Go to each bloggers page and let them know that they have been nominated
6. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog
First of all, I'm going to let you know that I fully intend on doing this wrong.  I write in this blog but I'm not very active on the blogging network, so I don't really follow many bloggers.  I follow one or two who have thousands of subscribers, EmmaLauren, and Star.  Since Emma tagged me, I guess I can only tag Lauren and Star, so there goes rule number 4.  But the rest, I will try to comply with.

Facts about Me:
1.  I am a senior in high school, anxiously awaiting graduation so that I can get out of dodge and start my collegiate adventures.  I got into my first choice school on a four year scholarship...yeehaw!
2.  I have a twin brother.  I've said this before, but here's a new tidbit.  My scholarship is a Navy ROTC scholarship, so after college I will serve in the Navy.  Liam will also serve, but in the Army.  He is going to West Point which I am so proud of him for but it cracks me up that we're serving in two different branches of the military.  
3.  I live in a teeny tiny town and I'm not super into it.  My graduating class is only about 170 people, of which I am ranked 10th...Mr. West Point is straggling along somewhere around number 30.  It's a good thing he can run fast.
4.  I love Pinterest (who doesn't) but I absolutely refuse to create any type of "future" board.  I live in the present and there is no evidence of any wedding planning or house wishing in my pins.
5.  I was born and raised in the United States, but I am also an Irish citizen, so I can legally live and work anywhere in the European Union.  Unfortunately, the military isn't really into dual citizenship so I am going to have to give up my Irish citizenship once I graduate college.  Oh well.
6.  I have extreme problems with procrastination.  I have literally been stuck for multiple days in a row, on  more than one occasion, wearing clothes that don't fit, match, or flatter me in any way shape or form just because I couldn't get my act together to do my laundry.
7.  I have a 25 month old God-daughter named Clare and I literally don't think there is a more precious toddler on this whole entire planet.  She is the most happy-go-lucky baby on the planet and I just want to squeeze and her and love her all the time.  She is practically bald, has the prettiest blue eyes, and when she smiles and says "Mar Tate!" it melts my heart.
8.  I am fairly confident that I have the best job in the world.  I teach jazz and acrobatics at a dance studio and I love it.  Enough said.
9.  I love to swim.  I joined the swim team this year for the first time because of my feet (and discovered how much I love butterfly stroke) but I've always loved to swim.  When I was 15 I swam across a 3 mile lake.  For fun.
10.  I have recently made the decision that if I have babies some day, I want them all to be boys.  I know it's not something I can control, like, at all, and that's okay.  But seriously, I don't want daughters.
11.  I have hundreds of acquaintances and dozens of friends, I even have a handful of people that I'm really close with, but there's no one that I'd call my best friend.  I don't have a person to tell my secrets to or to ask for advice or any of that.  My close friend group is great, but I don't have that one person who's always on my side, ya know?

Emma's Questions:
1. Your dream vacation?
I've traveled to several countries in Europe, and I'd go back to anyone of them, but my absolute dream would be to go to Australia.  
2. Your biggest dream?
For a long time it was to be a part of Cirque Du Soleil.  I've had to change a lot of what I want with the new prognosis on my feet (update on that soon).  I'd still say Cirque is my biggest dream it was always a very extensive reach, but it's virtually unattainable at this point.
3. Do you eat healthy?
I do.  Today is Easter Sunday, therefor the last day of Lent.  I kind of pigged out today because I gave up, candy, dessert, fast food, soda and junk food for Lent.  In general, though, I do eat pretty healthy.  My body is like, a temple, or something.
4. Your dearest hobby?
Again, my life kind of spun out of control recently.  Dance is still my biggest love, even though I'm not allowed to do it.
5. What is your dream job?
I know I want to do something in the medical field.  My favorite class currently is my Anatomy and Physiology class, it's fascinating.  I am planning on studying Physical Therapy in college.  I got into the PT program at my school, the University of Pittsburgh, so we'll see how that goes!
6. Why do you dance / don't dance?
I started dance because my friend did it.  And then I loved it.  It came naturally to me, I could pick up new styles very easily and I was super eager to learn new things.  I needed, and still need, dance in order to function.  Without it I get anxious and grumpy, seriously, it's an addiction.
7. Money or love?
Love baby, love.
8. Do you play any instrument?
I have tried and failed an embarrassing amount of instruments.  In order they go; piano, violin, and saxophone.  Piano lasted the longest - four years...never learned how to read music.  The sax only lasted about six months.
9. Your favorite TV-series?
I love the CW documentary "Breaking Pointe" on the dancers at Ballet West. 
10. Do you really care in what kind of world the next generations will live and do you live sustainably?
I do care, however I think we need a mass overhaul, not just individual efforts.  I turn off lights and stop the faucet while I'm brushing my teeth and all that jazz, but we need something huge to happen for a real difference.
11. Helping the orphans and poor or having a luxury house and nice cars?
I have a friend right now who is on a missions trip in Africa and what she's doing looks so rewarding and, honestly, exciting.  I'd love to help out developing nations and such.  I don't need a car, I hate driving anyway.
My Questions:
1.  If you could change your name to anything, what would it be and why?
2.  Name one thing that you're really not good at that you want to improve on.
3.  What is your favorite childhood memory?
4.  You get one superpower for a day.  What and why?
5.  What inspires you?
6.  Have you ever broken a bone or had an injury that required stitches?
7.  Skydiving, Bungee Jumping or Scuba Diving?
8.  How are your baking skills?
9.  What role does music play in your life?  Can you sing?  Do you Dance?  Is music necessary for normal function?
10.  Do you have any siblings?  If so, what role do they play in your life?
11.  Why did you start your blog?

Boom, done.  Thanks Emma, this was fun.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

School Dances

I'm really doing everything I can to keep this blog going in the "defined by the dance" direction and not just become a repetitive posts reminding the internet of my persistent broken-ness.  So I figured I could talk about school dances - they're dance-y and everyone can relate to them and I think my stance on the matter may surprise you.

I hate them.

Woahh.  Let's take a step back.  Weird that I would hate them, right?  Okay, well maybe hate is kind of a strong word, but I do seriously dislike the hype that surrounds them.  I guess the actual act of being at a school dance ain't too bad, but still...

Here are the unspoken rules of high school dances that are just absolutely pointless:

1.  Get a dress, but be sure that there will be no one else in attendance with the same dress.  If there is someone else in attendance with the same dress, make sure you notice and point it out to everybody and complain.  A lot.
2.  The dress that you get must be more expensive than a piece of fabric should ever be.  And you must advertise the amount you paid and try to justify your stupidity.
3.  To accompany the dress you need hooker heels.  High and black goes with anything.
4. Even if it is cold, you will not wear a jacket.  But you must complain about the temperature while you wait to be let in.
5.  Upon arrival at the dance you must immediately ditch the heels and spend the rest of the night barefoot.  You will carry your shoes when you leave as well, and reach your next destination still barefoot.
6. When dancing, the closer to the speakers the better.  Also, if you can wedge yourself into a position where the people around you are so close that you can only awkwardly sway and grind, do it.
7.  There are only two acceptable fast dancing positions.  Either facing away from him and grinding your ass into his dick area, or facing in towards him and grinding your vag into his dick area.
8.  The slow dance will always and forever be executed as it was in middle school.  Why stray from the classics.
9. If you happen to go stag, you are destined to be awkwardly swaying alone all night, and usually next to all your couple friends so it's very clear that you're single.
10.  One of your friends (or you) will inevitably have cried at some point throughout the evening.

Waddaya think of that?  Now, there are a few of those rules that I actually support.  I can pretty much be counted on to be one of the people in the #3, #5, #6, #7 and #10 category (although I have never been the one that cried, because I don't take school dances seriously enough to get upset...which is the way it should be).

Obviously, the rest of the rules I strongly dispute:
#1:  Who the hell cares who's wearing what dress.  You won't even remember in a week or two.
#2:  Absolutely not.  The most I've ever paid for a homecoming/valentines dance kind of dress was $25.  The most I've ever paid for a prom dress was $100 (pictures to follow).
#4:  I hate complainers.  I don't wear a jacket because I'm an idiot, but I don't complain because I'm not annoying.
#8:  Are you 11?  No?  Then there is no excuse for this.  Let's have a little more creativity people.
#9:  I hate this one, but there's not a whole lot you can do about it.  I've been there, I get it.  However, a good plan is to find a friend who's date ditched him, and the two of you can become new dates.

Seriously, school dances are supposed to be fun.  All the fuss just leads to getting upset.  So now about my personal experiences:

Homecoming freshman year-
I went with a group of girls, my dress cost $25 (clearance at Macys) and we had a good time.  Done.

Homecoming sophomore year-
I borrowed a dress.  Went with a giant group of my upper-classmen friends - some single, some not - and laughed a lot.  We ate in and screwed around all night.
There wasn't a single serious picture (I'm second in from the left)
Prom sophomore year-
I went with pretty much the same group of upper-classmen friends. I got a $30 dress on ebay.  We all pitched in $10 and had an awesome dinner at the same friend's house that we ate at for homecoming.  Super low key, super fun.  I was single but when my friend ditched her date we formed our own little couple for the night.  It was great.
The guy I ended up with
Not the group I went with, but still friends

Homecoming junior year-
$20 dollar dress.  Once again single but that was due to being a horrible person and un-inviting my date the day of (whooopsie) so I went with a group of friends my age.  Once again, some single, some not.

The crew

Prom junior year-
I went with my best friend, we got the director of our play to make us and another couple dinner.  I got a $100 vintage dress on ebay.  We didn't get each other flowers because I said he shouldn't spend money on something that I was going to leave on a table to die. 
Testing out my dress
Again, we weren't taking things too seriously
We just took pictures right in front of the house, but I think it turned out gorgeous
Both couples
We found this sign down the street, ha

Homecoming senior year-
Got a $15 dress from Forever 21 and myself plus two other single ladies had a blast.  Easy peasy.

I don't have a picture with my friends, but here's one of my younger brother, Daniel, and me
Weirdly enough, all three siblings were wearing red that night, this is my brother Liam with his date

 So there, that's a whole bunch of school dances made cheap and fun just by not being an asshole about it.  There are also a lot of school dances I don't go to, but that's because I have to work.

Anyhow, the inspiration behind this post is due to the fact that I'm going to a Valentines dance next weekend.  I didn't go to the one my school held, but I'm going to one with my friend at his school.  He told me it's a casual glow dance, and I think that's perfect.  No expensive dresses, no stupid heels, just friends, fun and black-lights.  I'm wearing jeans, my zappers and sneakers, and a plain white v-neck.  Beat that.