Saturday, November 10, 2012

Can't Wait to Prove You Wrong, Mama

So the other day my mom and I went to a Lia Sophia party (not really relevant, I just like to set the mood).  It was at her friend's house and her friend has a daughter my age, but aside from that the party guests were all adults.  I knew that going in though, they were my mom's friends that I've known since before I can remember, so it was all good.  None of that group (meaning mom's friends) really sees each other an awful lot anymore though, because they all have older kids to keep up with.  So...yes, finally getting to the space boots were kind of a talking point.

One of the first questions people ask me whenever they hear the space boots story is "Will you ever be able to dance again?".  I always say yes, after I'm done in the boots, but honestly I don't know.  I was so shocked when I learned they were broken that I really didn't ask many questions.  I'll see her on Thursday though, so I'll ask then.

At the party though, I heard my mom telling one of her friends that she didn't think I'd be able to dance again.  Ever.  EXCUSE ME?!?  Sorry mom, but you're horribly incorrect.  I may not go back as soon as I'd hoped, I may not go back with full doctoral encouragement, but I WILL go back.  So there.

*** The term space boots was coined by my friend Kirsten.  She thinks they look like space boots and calls them that so I feel like less of a loser.  All the time.  Sometimes she even substitutes "Space Boots" for my actual name.  She's the best.***

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