I got a nanny-ing job this summer. Two little girls, Annie (turning 4 years next week) and Clare (turning 18 months next week). I have been babysitting for this family since Annie was 4 months old. I love the girls with my whole heart and being with them this summer was absolutely amazing. We would walk to the library, to the park and to my house to play in my tree house(I live in a very small town, you can pretty much walk anywhere). Annie and I practiced writing letters and Clare and I practiced animal sounds. We read books and sang songs and colored pictures. We had so much fun. I did that for five weeks out of the summer, with a week or two break in between when their parents were on vacation or when I was dancing.
Speaking of dancing, that's the next part of my story. First I have to rewind, pre-June times. I was having a lot of foot problems so I saw a doctor. She diagnosed plantar fasciitis (tendonitis of the arch muscles) and sesamoiditis (inflammation of the sesamoid bones in the balls of my feet). She also found an old fracture that I never realized was there, and an extra sesamoid bone in each foot. Neither of those things are related to the inflammation though. But anywhooo, she said to see a physical therapist. Both the podiatrist and the P.T. told me it would be okay to continue dancing and being active. Fast forward to July. I did two out of the three weeks of the dance intensive offered by my studio. It was amazing, but my feet took a beating. The inflammation issues kind of stayed the same, however I got all kinds of rips and blisters and bruises (even one black toenail!). I'm glad I did it though.
During the intensive I got a call from a dance teacher who is opening her own studio. She asked if I would be interested in teaching for her as well as at the other studio where I had been teaching (not the one where I take class..not sure if I've ever specified that). She told me to take a few days before I answered her and think about it. A day had hardly passed when I got a nasty email from the owner of the dance studio I had been teaching at calling me a liar and saying I was going behind her back. I was very upset. The next day I called her back and explained to her a multitude of things that I won't go into, but basically letting her know that I had always been loyal to her despite the way she had treated me (she is very kind but doesn't know how to show it and often comes off rude and uncaring which is very hard to deal with as a teenager and an employee). I emailed her later in the week saying I wouldn't be returning to teach for her and I accepted the job at the new studio. I have since gotten an apology from her, which I do appreciate, but I will not be going back.
Then my dad and my twin brother and I went on a college tour. We spent a week and saw about a dozen colleges. The walking aggravated my feet even more, but on the bright side, I learned a lot about what my plan for college is.
After we got back from our trip we had about two weeks off before school started up again. I didn't do a whole lot but I was running and working out, trying to stay in shape. One night when I was out for a run with my dad my feet hurt so badly that I had to stop and walk after only two miles. He made me another podiatrist appointment the next day.
Then August 27th came. The first day of my senior year. I can't even get that through my head. Monday was also supposed to be the first day of the dance season, and it was my appointment with the podiatrist. Basically, the appointment didn't surprise me. She said the only way to get my feet to heal up was to stop dancing for a month. I'm sad, but I figured I'd have to take some time off. And it's worth it, there was a point where the pain was literally keeping me awake at night. At this point I just want it gone. So I didn't start dance on Monday, I probably won't be starting until October.
Now I've made it through my first week of senior year. And let me tell you what, this year is going to be a bitch. My schedule is; AP English, Gym, AP Calculus, Honor Economics, Lunch, AP Chemistry, Study Hall and Anatomy. So far I've had two essays, two one-page papers, a chemistry lab, and calc and anatomy homework every night. Tomorrow I have a calc quiz, an anatomy quiz and chem study guide due. It's crazy.
Yesterday a fantastic thing happened. Remember earlier when I talked about the girls I watched this summer? Well, their parents called me yesterday and asked if I would be Clare's Godmother. I was so surprised, I said, "Me? I though you were just calling for a babysitter!" And then I said yes, of course, and they laughed at me. I feel so honored that they asked me to do that, I love that family with all of my heart and the fact that they chose me for such a special thing just blows my mind.
So now you're caught up. It's memorial day. Tomorrow I start week two of senior year and night one at the new studio where I'm teaching. Yes, I am still allowed to teach, I just can't take classes of my own. I only teach one night a week, I teach seven 45 minute classes (4 jazz...first time teaching jazz! And 3 acro) and I make $10 per class. And in two weeks I get to become the Godmother of the most precious 18 month old girl in my life.
I still maintain that my life has exploded. Bad things happened this summer and some parts of my life went off like grenades. But fireworks explode too, and the fireworks of my summer have been pretty damn beautiful.
And now, for everyone's viewing pleasure, some photos that might slightly repent for my absence. The have no rhyme or reason for being attached to this post, but they're fun to look at :)
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Liam and I circa '99 |
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Clare and me from Christmas 2011. This precious baby will be my Goddaughter soon. |
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I painted this picture. |
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Prom! |
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Dos Pollos. |
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Liam and I at a Medieval Times show. |
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Party in the boondocks. All you need is a tarp, a hose, some soap and hill. |
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Me. Half bikini, half shirt. Putting a party hat on a dog. |